Trade publications

I love trade publications. That is, I love the ads in them. The ads are generally targeted to a specific group of people, everyone buying advertisment space in a publication knows who the main subscribers are, and thus you get full page ads such as “Congratulations on a job well done!” aimed at a particular achievment of NASA, and unobtrusively reminding the reader that such and such heavy industries were the pilar and staple of american freedom for the last century.

So here is a small, non-comprehensive sampling of the weird and wonderful. Please note that I don’t endorse them.

Next time you need integrated security solutions, airfield management or bare base construction, you should look no futher then this ad, that appeared in November 21st issue of “Aviation Week and Space Technology”:
KBR ad - PNG
I found a PDF of it online after googling for “targeted set of aviation services” (Was a google whack, too) on Janes Defence Weekly site, so obviously Haliburton decided that readers of JDW might some day need some program management for large complex projects too.

If those pesky adversaries of yours decided that they can stalemate you by mining your harbors, not a problem. All you need is an autonomous underwater vehicle, which will do the mine reconnaissance, bathymetric mapping, REA category 2-4 (overt, covert and in-stride), and even route survey for you. In case you didn’t know, REA is Rapid Environment Assessment.

CC-Tech ad

This ad came out of September/October2004 issue of Unmanned Systems, a publication of Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International. If it caught your fancy, consider reading the military version of system description (After all, who’d want a civilian version?)

Lastly, just in case your grenades are not convincing enough, consider upgrading – these ones provide up to 60% more oomph in a package that is 25% lighter. So instead of 3, you can now take 4, wherever life takes you.
RUAG grenade ad

Defintely a big thumb up to Jane’s – they have their list of advertiserers up, with ads previewable in PDF format.

And you thought that you are out of options ever since went out of business?

Ok, now I am curious. Just what factors do you measure, when you calculate a performance of grenade?