CF and IO undefined symbols

When building something probably written for Unix (I were fudging s10sh), you might eventually end up with undefined symbols such as:

gcc -O2 -Wall -g -I./libusb -o s10sh main.o crc.o usb.o serial.o common.o 
bar.o  -lreadline -ltermcap libusb/.libs/libusb.a
ld: Undefined symbols:
make: *** [s10sh] Error 1

The IOService errors can be fixed by -lIOKit thusly:

stany@gilva:~/src/s10sh-0.2.2[07:52 PM]$ gcc -O2 -Wall -g -I./libusb -o s10sh 
main.o crc.o usb.o serial.o common.o bar.o  -lreadline -ltermcap libusb/.libs/libusb.a -lIOKit
ld: Undefined symbols:
stany@gilva:~/src/s10sh-0.2.2[07:53 PM]$ 

but the “proper” way to fix it is:

stany@gilva:~/src/s10sh-0.2.2[07:53 PM]$ gcc -O2 -Wall -g -I./libusb -o s10sh 
main.o crc.o usb.o serial.o common.o bar.o  -lreadline -ltermcap libusb/.libs/libusb.a  -framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation
stany@gilva:~/src/s10sh-0.2.2[07:53 PM]$ 

stany@gilva:~/src/s10sh-0.2.2[07:54 PM]$ ./s10sh -u
USB mode enabled
S10sh -- version 0.2.2
Copyright (C) 2000-2001 by Salvatore Sanfilippo 
S10sh is FREE SOFTWARE under the terms of the GNU public license

[Canon PowerShot A75] > ls
ls error
[Canon PowerShot A75] > 
